RSS API now understands data coming from Google Shopping Feeds, XML Merchant Product Data Feeds, and similar E-Commerce Data Sources!

Many online shops use RSS-based data-feeds to integrate their catalogs into services like Google Shopping, Facebook and Instagram's 'Shop' tabs, and other external tools. Those data-feeds contain all of their offered products, as well as various details about them.
We are pleased to announce that RSS API now fully understands this special kind of feed, which allows you to integrate data coming from product-feeds seamlessly into your own services.
How to use Shopping Feeds with RSS API
It's very easy to get started with inetgrating shopping feeds into your own services and apps: Just use the existing RSS API endpoints to parse or subscribe to those feeds - It's as simple as passing the product-feed URL as the `url`
parameter to our API, and RSS API will do the rest.
Try it out today!
If you have any questions about this change, please let us know!